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Restore Minnesota 

Keep up with what is going on at the Wright County Restore Minnesota meetings 

6:30PM at Covenant Church in Buffalo, MN - 1601 Highway 25

Community Action Team Events and Info

Upcoming events:

     - Townhall (zoom) meeting with Dale Witherington this Sunday night at 8pm (Jan 29). See future schedule below. Dale is a pastor to our elected officials at the state capitol and founder of Restore Minnesota. All who attend our meetings are encouraged to attend. The link is below, in the info sent from Dan Montegue.


     - The same night as our BIG event ( Jan 31) is a potentially important meeting for the Minnesota Association of Townships. See info forwarded from Dan below. Plus, open the 2 attachments for more details!!!! (Vickie N. - this is what I was going to send you individually)


     - Wright County GOP Convention, Feb. 11th from 1-4pm. Delegates and alternates should have received a couple emails with the complete details. If not, let me know.



Info from Dan Montegue:

Also, I am repeating the important information about the Minnesota
Association of Townships below. Please share this information with
anyone you know in the rural areas of your county (there are 10 counties
connected to the MAT District 7 and 9 of them have active Community
Action Teams). Last week we had a newly elected Township supervisor in
Sherburne County participate in a panel discussion. She said she and
probably most Township board members need help understanding what is
going on. We've heard from others "in the know" that UN Agenda 2030 is
pushing hard at the Township level - sustainability, green steps,
everything "woke," and more.

Dan Montegue - Sherburne County CAT


Townhall with Dale Witherington Invitation

Topic: Restore Minnesota Town Hall
Time: Jan 29, 2023 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Every month on the Last Sun, until Jun 25, 2023, 6 occurrence(s)
Jan 29, 2023 08:00 PM
Feb 26, 2023 08:00 PM
Mar 26, 2023 08:00 PM
Apr 30, 2023 08:00 PM
May 28, 2023 08:00 PM
Jun 25, 2023 08:00 PM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your
calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting - Previous link may not work, this one will!
Launch Meeting - Zoom


Meeting ID: 898 2015 5023
Passcode: 667740
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,89820155023#,,,,*667740# US (New
York)+13017158592,,89820155023#,,,,*667740# US (Washington DC)


We became aware of this about 10 days ago through an email to me and an
announcement at a Tuesday SCCAT meeting. I am providing this to you for
educational and information purposes only. Please review and share as

Minnesota Assoc of Townships Election - Important Information

Ruthi Mund found out about this and shared at our SCCAT Meeting last
week. Please see the two attachments. Here is her summary of what's
going on ...

"I will email something to you that's really important. There's a
Minnesota Association of Townships. It covers 10 counties in our area.
There's an open spot on that board and Tammy Carlson, my friend from
Pine city, a wonderful, strong, very well-informed patriot was asked to
run. The other side is hoping to get busloads of people there to do a
floor nomination to beat her out. The election is January 31 in
Annandale and I'm going to be going out there ... to watch Tammy get
elected. But we have to do our part and inform citizens to get out there
and be involved in the discussion that may take place before the
election actually happens. There's an organization called Blue
(something) that is part of the EPA ... totally connected with the World
Economic Forum. They are all about stopping cows from being alive in our
state, getting rid of the chicken and the egg industry, and totally
disrupting our economy by the stupid ideas that they have. They're
trying to push their guy onto that board. He's gonna push and shove his
way and try to be weird... I just want anybody who lives in a township
to know this information and be informed and get out there because
they're gonna be taking busloads of Liberals. Yikes!"

Ruthi explained that only the elected township officials can vote, but
any citizens can show up to support Tammy, observe the process, and
speak up if there is opportunity. Please share this with everyone you
know in these counties!! (see below)

Sent to

Restore Minnesota, 1080 W. County Road E., Saint Paul, MN 55126, United States




       - Jan. 31st: Our Restore MN CAT will be hosting a BPOU vetting event, 7pm @ Buffalo Covenant Church. The purpose of this event is to give delegates and alternates the opportunity to meet and question the 2 slates of new people running for the BPOU board positions. Note - there are others, including current board members, running for positions also. The positions are:  Chair, Vice/Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Media Coordinator, and Events Coordinator.


       - Feb. 11th: The off-year BPOU Convention at the Brandt Airfield in Delano, 2561 72nd St. - An important meeting where delegates, and alternates who fill in vacancies, can vote for our BPOU leadership/board members. Also, delegates will be chosen to go on to the State Central Convention (more elections at that level - MNGOP).



       - Near future, TBD: We are working on setting up a meeting where all Restore MN groups can get together.


       - Community Logistics: We will at some point this winter invite Roxann Henderson, from the Sherburne group, to share her extensive knowledge and organization of emergency preparedness information.

Continued Actions

* Approach local churches, youth groups, home school groups, etc. about hosting Biblical Citizenship classes. This dove-tails with Jamen's (of WCRP) teachings on biblical vs. humanistic world-view. How can we work with them to engage community.

* We need a plan for helping Vulnerable Voters, and ballot-harvesting. Todd & Darcy will reach out to Dale/ EIN people for help with this.

* How to combine/ create resources to educate the citizenry about various political topics, from the Caucus process to the purpose of the positions of government from the top to local. Jeremiah will spearhead this. List areas you see that need to be understood better!

* List ideas for local community events & have a plan for marketing them through radio, paper, social media, and

*How can we build relationships with local organizations, find similar purpose, vision, etc?

*How can we build relationships with other demographics of like-minded ideologies?

*We need eyes on as many meetings as possible:
-County Commissioners :Kim
-City Councils of all towns in Wright Co.
-School Board mtgs in all school districts in our county.
-Citizen Commissions: airport, HRA, Parks, etc.

Many of these ideas are ways of engaging with the people around us: neighbors, church members, friends, people with common interests. We don't need to sell our ideas, but ask the Lord to give us his eyes toward the people around us, then we can step out in compassion and His strength. They are all trying to survive this mess, too. They may not have the hope that we have. They may be looking for the truth, and waiting for someone to speak up. Let us be the ones.

"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serves Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men." Romans 14:17-18


Blessings, Darcy & Todd Nelson



We are using the next weeks before New Year 2023 to brainstorm, organize more effectively and efficiently, and pray about our vision and purpose for the coming year.

Here are some of the ideas we covered this past Tuesday.

*Educating the community
-Biblical Citizenship course to churches, small groups, youth groups, home-school groups, etc.
- Educating the community on the Caucus/primary process, election integrity, defining various positions within government.
- How to support candidates and get involved in the process.

*Getting involved with local BPOU
-New leadership (coming in February through last season's delegates) 5 people are planning to run to take over entire leadership.
-New vision and purpose for BPOU (throwing out status quo to embrace real goals, issues and active recruitment of sleeping citizenry).

* What to do about Mr. Emmer?
- Engage talks during radio broadcasts (Drew show Thurs. AM, and K-LOVE)
-Be on the lookout for a realistic replacement.
-Pray that the Lord shows us other ways to deal with his liberal compromise.

*Evaluation of our man-power and resources.
- Need to organize covering all the various local meetings from all the school boards, county commissioner meetings, city council meetings, and BPOU, etc.
- Matching assignments to people's talents/passions.
- Listing other projects, tasks, and needs and planning how to fill them.
- Plans to increase attendance and involvement.
- Utilizing free resources: newspaper editorials, radio announcements, social media,, etc.

- Scheduling speakers and promoting to the public.

* How to reach other demographics with similar moral/philosophic ideologies. (hispanic, Muslim, urban) especially building relationships within Hennepin County and other urban areas.
-Local events that build community (like Jeremiah's Veteran Park clean-up)

One important point that Dustin made was that we need to stop limiting ourselves to working within the system, allowing the establishment to define the rules. Let's pray about what that looks like for us.


Father God, teach us to see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and love with your love. Thank you for the strength, wisdom, and discernment to take the path you want us to take. Give us courage to do the hard things, knowing you are with us. To know when to speak the truth and when to be silent. Thank you for going ahead of us in all we do. Amen

Lastly, we are not primarily a political group. Many of us are frustrated by the corruption that we see throughout our government. God sees it too, and wants change. 


-Todd and Darcy Nelson


PS-Come with your ideas next week!

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